Join the CBC Affiliate Program

Become a part of the CBC Affiliate Program and start earning today!

As a CBC affiliate, you will receive 10% cash back via PayPal on each successful referral.

Whether you're promoting POP Academy, Quarterly Business Reviews, or any of our other premier CBC services, you'll be rewarded for every client you bring on board.

How the CBC Affiliate Program Works:

Sign Up to Become an Affiliate

Visit our affiliate sign-up page. (Congrats, you have completed this step already!)

Complete the registration form with your details.

Submit the form and wait for your approval email.

Sign Your Payout Contract

Once approved, you will receive a payout contract via email.

Carefully read through the terms and conditions.

Sign the contract electronically and send it back to us.

Login to Your Affiliate Portal

You will receive your login credentials.

Access the affiliate portal to track your referrals, earnings, and promotional materials.

Access the affiliate portal to track your referrals, earnings, and promotional materials.

Your gateway to earning extra income by promoting our top-tier business services.

Whether you are a business professional, educator, or influencer, our program offers a simple and rewarding way to monetize your network.

Payout Information

Payments are processed quarterly, and you will receive your earnings via PayPal. Join our affiliate program today and start making a difference while earning rewards! Affiliates are rewarded based on successful referrals to:


POP Academy


Quarterly Business Reviews


Other CBC Services

Why You Should Become a CBC Affiliate

  • Earn Extra Income: Receive 10% cash back for every successful referral, paid directly to your PayPal account.

  • Trusted Services: Promote high-quality services from a reputable company, ensuring your referrals are satisfied.

  • Support and Resources: Gain access to a variety of marketing materials, dedicated affiliate support, and detailed performance reports.

  • Flexible Work: Share your referral links at your convenience, allowing you to earn money alongside your existing commitments.

What Makes YOU a Perfect Affiliate?

  • Strong Network: If you have a robust professional or social network, you can easily leverage your connections to make referrals.

  • Passion for Business Excellence: Your enthusiasm for helping businesses grow aligns perfectly with CBC’s mission.

  • Influence and Reach: Whether you're an industry expert, a social media influencer, or a community leader, your voice can inspire others to explore our services.

  • Commitment to Success: Your dedication to your own success and the success of others makes you a valuable partner in promoting CBC’s offerings.

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